Press-release. Saratov Academic Kiselev Youth Theater presents the creative laboratory «The Forth Height. Children in the Adult’s World», that will take place from the 9th to 13th of July, 2010.

(Russian Theater Society)» with the support of RF Ministry of Culture, Saratov region Ministry of Culture, Saratov Academic Kiselev Youth Theater presents the creative laboratory «The Forth Height. Children in the Adult’s World», that will take place from the 9th to 13th of July, 2010.
The creative laboratory “The Forth Height” has become a visit card of Saratov Kiselev Youth Theater. The theater invites playwrights, directors, theater critics, both Russian and foreign. After the public performances the best plays become a full-scale productions. Just this year two new titles appeared in the theater’s repertoire. Maria Romanova (St. Peresburg) has staged the play by E. Isaeva “About My Mother and Myself” (opening night – the 2nd of February 2010), and the director from Norway Sigrid Strom Reibo presented her version of the play by Ulrich Hub “Be at the Ark by Eight” (opening night – the 15th of May 2010). From 2006 to 2009 as a result of creative laboratories 5 new performances were included in theater’s repertoire.
The sixth creative laboratory will take place in July 2010. It’s theme is “Children in the Adult’s World”. The creative laboratory will be researching the newest Russian and foreign dramaturgy for the young spectators. Actual drama is always a driving-force of theater, the source of its vivification. Contemporary plays of the XXI century are inspired with new life now. The theater of new plays is not only a quest for new answers it's a quest for new questions. The distance between the performance and the modern reality is very short. And people in the audience have a chance to see in the contemporary theater a mirror of their lives.
The creative laboratory “The Forth Height. Children in the Adult’s World” will take place from the 9th to 13th of July, 2010 on the stage of Saratov Kiselev Youth Theater. The plays of Russian and foreign dramatists will be presented in the form of reading-performance during the work of the laboratory: Laura de Wekk "People in love" (Germany), Yaroslava Pulinivich "I won’t come back" (Yekaterinburg), Dorota Maslovkaya "Everything is okay here" (Poland) and Ulrich Hub "Natan’s Children" (Germany). All performances are created by the following directors: Ivan Osipov (St. Petersburg), Marat Gatzalov (Moscow), Georg Genoux (Germany) and Semen Alexandrovsky (St. Petersburg) together with Kiselev Theater actors.
And again our goals are presenting the latest tendencies in drama and its language to the audience on the one hand and on the other hand meeting new directors and authors in hope of future cooperation. According to the project’s conditions each director has three days for staging the play. This unique situation when work on the play goes in such a short time is making the experiment more interesting: actors are playing with the texts, and it seems to audience that texts are understood by actors just on the stage. It creates the artistic freedom: images are not shown but appear in people’s minds all by themselves.
Among all the undeniable advantages of the laboratory is the fact that its program is highly responsible to its young spectators and all drama materials are well-chosen. After the shows the discussions of the performances will take place, some kind of "dialogues with the audience", where authors together with spectators are analyzing the experimental theater.
The executive producer of the project is a member of the expert committee of the national theater prize and festival "The Golden Mask", the director of the All-Russian Festival "The Real Theater", the assistant director on the creative issues and international affairs of the Ekaterinburg TUZ, a playwright, screenwriter, leading Russian theater critic Oleg Loevsky. Alexander Vislov, a theater critic, leading editor of Art column in the "Literaturnaya Gazeta" (Moscow), Evgeniya Tropp – a theater critic, St. Petersburg Theater Institute’s teacher, an editor of the “St. Petersburg Theater Magazine”, Olga Glazunova – a secretary of the RF Theater Union’s commission on the youth theaters, leader of the Cabinet of the Youth and Puppet Theaters of the Creative Organizational Department of the RF Theater’s
Union’s Central Office.
The creative laboratory "The Fourth Height" events:
The Small stage of the new TUZ building (74 Chapaeva st.)
the 12th of July, Monday - Laura de Wekk "People in love"
Director Ivan Osipov (St. Petersburg)
Starts at 17.00
The Chamber stage (83 Volskaya st.)
the 12th of July, Monday - Yaroslava Pulinivich "I won’t come back"
Director: Marat Gatzalov (Moscow)
Starts at 20.00
The Big stage’s board (83 Volskaya st.)
the 13th of July, Thuesday - Dorota Maslovkaya "Everything is okay here"
Director: Georg Genoux (Germany)
Starts at 17.00
The Small stage of the new TUZ building (74 Chapaeva st.)the 13th of July, Thuesday - Ulrich Hub "Natan’s Children"
Director: Semen Alexandrovsky (St. Petersburg)
Starts at 20.00
«We are the ones! We are here!»
«The Hedgehog and the Christmas Tree»
«How to Find a Road to the Sun?»
«...and all the stars above us »
«To Be or Not to Be? Without Question»
«The Snow Maiden (Snegurochka)»
«Sophocles. Oedipus the Tyrant»
«The Curse of the Starving Class»